A picture speaks a thousand words, what a great shot. Let me know what setting etc you used for that. One of the best snaps I have seen in a long time. Bugger it was not me taking it and enjoying the camping. Well done and thanks for sharing it.
:-) Smile it makes others wonder what you have been up to?
Thanks Glen, it was shot on a Canon 5DMKII - Sigma 15/2.8 - 30s @ f2.8 - 2000iso and lens corrections and editing done in Lightroom and Photoshop. It's meant to be part of a timelapse but the camera suffered from condensation pretty quickly that night.
Very nice indeed
#254 on a Land Rover Defender 130.
That is spectacular!!! I have been trying to get that effect now for a while with my Canon 6D - I am set to try a time-lapse with the Trayon in the foreground in camp and the milky-way zooming past. My ISO is lower than that so maybe thats what im doing wrong, i should ramp it up. Awesome photo Walk-About, thanks for sharing
Great shot and thanks for sharing. I've tried a few star trails with my Canon 7D but none with the Trayon in the foreground.
All it needs is a 'cruiser in the foreground and it would be perfect!

(Just kidding!)
Cheers, Geoff
Trayon Camper 546 with plenty of custom features