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Single / Extra Cab

Single Cab / Extra Cab Slide on Camper

Trayon’s Single cab slide on camper can fit on most Extra-cab vehicles as well.  All Single-cab/Extra-cab campers can sleep a third person inside, the lounge converts into a third bed (see photo)

Trayon has 1 size option for both the Single-cab and Extra-cab campers. This is 2200 mm long and can accommodate different vehicles and tray widths.  The model name is indicative of the width of the camper (eg: the Trayon 1980 is 1980 mm wide). The dry-weight of this model is listed at the bottom of this page.

There are 3 model options to choose from with our Single-cab/Extra-cab models:

1. Standard
2. Deluxe
3. Diesel Deluxe

TRAYON’S TRAY MOUNTED CAMPER offers the camper and traveller a multitude of features which add up to a very versatile unit for travel. As well as comfortable living and sleeping quarters with a well equipped kitchen which includes built-in cupboards, table (converts to a single bed), seats, Double bed, fridge, stove, water tank, water pump, sink, gas bottle, cushions and camper legs for free-standing, the less obvious features deserve a mention.

By simply flipping the roof over, you immediately have an instant shady awning, a covered entrance into instant living and sleeping quarters and with the optional addition of a flyscreen or canvas annexe, the living area can be easily extended.

With the camper being confined within the vehicle’s tray area, access into all areas is made very easy.

While there are many features incorporated in the camper, here are a few good reasons why our removable camping unit is worthy of consideration:

Standard (Trayon 1980)

Has everything you will need to camp, all standard inclusions:

Deluxe (Trayon 1980)

It has extra on top of the standard inclusions:

Diesel Deluxe (Trayon 1980)

This is the top of the line model and the most popular model choice by far; Instead of using a gas appliance to give you hot water only, the Diesel Deluxe uses a diesel-appliance that is very powerful and highly efficient to supply constant hot water with the added benefit of internal cabin heating.

3D Vision of our Trayon 1980 (Single or Extra cab) in camping mode

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