Tassie trip
I’ve had my Trayon since July and have been on a few weekends away and 2 extended holidays. Very happy with it! I reckon I’m in a routine now with setting/packing up and everything has it’s place (and mostly I ca can remember where that place is!). I’m coming coming back from 2 weeks in Tassie and had a lot of people asking about it, gesturing to their mate about how it might open or take down the details. I love that I only pay for the  car on the spirit of Tasmania, I could go places a caravan couldn’t and still had somewhere comfortable and dry when it rained. Here are some pics of my recent adventure including on the Spirit of Tas, on the Fatman barge at Corinna and a little visitor I had at one of the National Parks ?

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Something clever and witty should be written here..... 
Lovely. We travelled to Tassie with our Trayon from Nth Qld, two years in a row as it was so wonderful.  Love that the cost for the ferry was the same as an ordinary car. However back then we had our Trayon on a Nissan Navara and on both trips we had to get the clutch replaced in Hobart.  We blamed the Navara for being a piece of crap but obviously the fully loaded Trayon was just too heavy on all those hills.  Love to go back one day but its is such a long drive from here. Our Trayon is on a trailer now, being pulled by a Landcruiser so it will be a different experience all together.
The cost of regular trips on the Spirit was a major factor in our choice of a Trayon.

A bit of butt-clenching with the clearance though!

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(04-12-2018, 08:31 AM)#580 Wrote: The cost of regular trips on the Spirit was a major factor in our choice of a Trayon.

A bit of butt-clenching with the clearance though!

? yeh I had a butt clench moment with the clearance too!
Something clever and witty should be written here..... 
Good on ya!
My next big trip is to Tassie after W.A. Fantastic place with so much to see and readily available in such a (relatively) compact place.
Stepped sideways from my beloved 2005 Isuzu/Rodeo (so reliable!!) to a 2008 Land Cruiser 79 series - just 'coz!
1980 Diesel Deluxe with annexe and single shower. (Should've gone dbl!!)
Great post!
We are planning two weeks in the Apple Isle in November and this just whets the appetite.
Love that we save a heap with the Trayon on the Spirit.
Stepped sideways from my beloved 2005 Isuzu/Rodeo (so reliable!!) to a 2008 Land Cruiser 79 series - just 'coz!
1980 Diesel Deluxe with annexe and single shower. (Should've gone dbl!!)

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