Tassie to the Bash and beyond
[attachment=2579]Hi all,
We are taking our first big and outback tour since we bought our Trayon late last year.
We have been encouraged to report on our travels and experiences.
Two weeks ago we departed Hobart with our tickets for the Big Red Bash at Birdsville.
We stayed with family and friends in both Melbourne and Ballarat but we were very much looking forward to wide open horizons. Up through Swan Hill, Mildura and then from Wentworth via Poocarie to  Menindee, a tip here, stay at the caravan park at Copi Hollow (very quiet and wonderful serinity..).
Then just 100k to Broken Hill. Met up with fellow Hobart travellers that came through from Canberra.
Kicked up our heels on Saturday night with dinner and drinks at the Palace Hotel (of Pricilla Queen of the Desert fame). The evening talent quest was a hoot. I didn't  know that the Angels or Dinyls songs could work so well so well on the ukulele. A great significant birthday celebration for my wife!
To Jamestown and then we decided to head to the coast (Port Germein)while we could as we would be inland for a long while.
From here we'll spend about a week in the Flinders Ranges before Farina and up the Birdsville track.
The Amarok/Trayon combo has performed well, but not completely without issues. Our water pump has packed it in (probably through lack of use) plus today our gas regulator has followed suit. I can probably rig a standard reg to bypass the fixed one but it looks like a visit to [attachment=2579][attachment=2579]the Trayon factory later for repairs.

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 Carolann and Chris #796
Wacko #796, another outback trayon tour in progress, and staying tuned for the updates.
Love breaking tours up into stages as you always have the next stage to look forward to.
A water pump.. Sure that happens but a gas reg? ? Surely you have dealt with the worst and most unlikely things to go wrong and are now set for faultless touring especially as you head into more remote areas.
Safe travels, can't wait for further updates.
My gas regulator failed when it was about 10 years old. It intermittently refused to allow enough gas through to run the stove on high.
Easily replaced.
#247 Dual Cab model on Defender 110 single cab
Calling #796... Did you survive the BRB2017? Looking forward to your next report and hopefully a pic or two..
Hi Again
I can report now we have arrived at Mt Isa and the Internet is more reliable
Problems with the reg and water pump were soon fixed by the Port Augusta caravan repair place on the main road.
Had a ball for a week or so touring around the majestic Flinders  Ranges camping at Mambray Creek and then the Merna Mora (station stay). We highly recommend both sites.
Heading north we stayed at Farina. At this time of year a small army of volunteers make the trip to Farina (increasing th population from 2 to 70+) to undertake a wonderful restoration of the old town. Their presence also includes firing up the old bakery to produce the most magnificent breads, pies, cream buns etc. The campsites are great and include toilets and hot showers.
It rained whilst at Farina closing the Birdsville track for 2 days. Once opened we headed up the rain effected 'track' for our 2 day journey on the iconic Birdsville Track.
Rolled into the Birdsville caravan park late in the afternoon to shower and do some laundry. The famous Birdsville Hotel assisted us to clear our dusty throats.. It appeared all 7000 Big Red Bash fans had the same idea.
I'll leave pictures to describe the BRB. It exceeded all expectations. As Tasmianians, we were very proud of our own Wolf Brothers who performed brilliantly and supported everybody on the final day.
We spotted 8 Trayons beside ours. 4 of these made the big trip north from Tassie.
Following the BRB we headed 200k up the road for the annual Bedourie Pig and Camel races. Outback people really know how to have fun and party.
We dodged some mid Queensland, mid winter rain and we are now in Mt Isa restocking and cleaning up. Moving on to Lawn Hil and then the Gulf. No real plans after that so we'll follow the sun I guess.
 Carolann and Chris #796
 Carolann and Chris #796
 Carolann and Chris #796
 Carolann and Chris #796
Sooooo Awesome!!  Shy

Just a thought.... about the 2018 Trayon Muster Location - Big red bash?
Why not!
Very central and a great event.
We have already considered going again.
The line up for '18 should be advertised November.
Update - we have just endured a day of very rough roads Mt Isa to Lawn Hill a beautiful oasis.. And truly tropical.
 Carolann and Chris #796
Great update, very jealous that we missed lawn hill 3 years ago.. And funny you mention rough, because broken suspension was the reason. Unfortunately we had to limp into mnt Isa for repairs coming south on the Savannah way. We have since seen the light and don't tow a heavy trailer anymore !
Big red certainly is rather central for a Trayon muster but we wouldn't want to offend the organises by creating more interest than centre stage by having 100 trayons lined up.. ?
                        We're not finished yet.
Really enjoyed the oasis that is Lawn Hill. Spent 3 nights at Adels Grove and our days swimming, kayaking and walking. Just a warning that the road in has a couple of very rough patches.
Northward still through Burketown and Normanton then we finally arrive at the Gulf (Karumba). 
Still with no real plans for  the rest of the trip, we spoke briefly to a fellow at the CP who was headed toward Cape York.. This got US thinking.
I had wanted to go to the 'tip' for a long while. Originally in a dirt bike. Well I'm a bit older now and here we are with both time and the trusty Trayon. We decided to give it a go!
Now we were not really prepared. Ideally we would have the Rok fitted with a lift kit, snorkel, bigger tyres etc. So we decided not to take the tracks linking Karumba to Musgrave and to travel over to Cooktown and head up from there.
We met up with friends from Tassie at Cooktown who were on their way back. 5 Tasmanian Trayons outside the top pub provided a great photo opportunity!
The 'rig' handled the Bloomfield and Battlecamp tracks up to Musgrave Station well. 
On the Cape we also stayed at Branwell Station and via a swim at Fruit Bat Falls, the Jardine river crossing, Mutee Head, Loyalty Beach (+ taking in a trip to Thursday Is) and of course  we made it to the tip, then it was time to head back down via Sam Creek to watch some of the 4wd nutters do their thing.., Morton Telegraph Station, Mapoon, Pennefather River (croc city..), The Bend near Coen, Lakeland and then Port Douglas to wash away the red grime.
Enjoying some tropical conditions,we stayed at Karanda and now Mission Beach.
The Trayon performed at doing what they are meant to. The roads on the Cape vary greatly from 2nd gear horrendous corrugations and bull dust holes, to new sealed highway surfaces. In the very near future the whole road will be sealed and somehow the bucket list adventure will different. We're glad we did it now.
From here?
Townsville through to Longreach I think...
 Carolann and Chris #796
We finally arrived home to snowy Hobart last weekend!! Already we are considering where our Trayon will take us next.
Continuing the adventure:
Enjoyed fair weather at Mission Beach for a couple of days then through to Townsville were we turned inland again to Hughenden and Winton through to Longreach. Wikicamps helped us find overnight campsites at Pentland and the very small town of Corfield.  Be sure to visit the community pub there.
The major detour to Longreach was worth it. The trifecta of the Stockmans Hall of Fame, Qantas Founders Museum, and the Kinnon & Co sunset river cruise, did not disappoint.
Again Wikicamps found us our next 2 stays at Bluff (behold the pub) and Bucca road near Bundeburg. And yes we did tour the Bundy distillery and sampled some excellent products.
Avoiding big cities, we passed through Brisbane spending time in Byron Bay and then to where the air is sweet at Nimbin.
Stayed then with relatives in Wodonga and Melbourne before boarding the Spirit for Devonport.
Our single plan for our trip was initially to go to Birdsville for the Big Red Bash. The performance of the mighty Trayon and the  'Rok' boosted our confidence (and adventurous spirit) so that we ended up going from Gulf to Gulf and from far south to far north. 
It's been a blast and there is sooo much more to see.
Now thinking possibly Victorian high country March / April. We'll see??
See you on the track.

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 Carolann and Chris #796
Great write up and the map is great. What was your total distance?
Thanks also for the tip on Merna Mora station. We incorporated a stop over there on our trip up the Strzlecki in July. The station fellas were most helpful and we enjoyed watching the sheep come in to water at dusk... Lead by 4 emus.
[attachment=2963][attachment=2963]A recent update: While we have such a great adventure on our maiden ‘Trayon’ voyage touring through the Flinders Ranges up to the BRB @ Birdsville and onward north up the tip at Cape York; it was important to us to complete the journey by heading south to Cockle Creek and South Cape Bay in Tasmania’s far south. Only about 100klm from our home, but it’s taken a while for us to get around to it. (We became distracted with things like spending March exploring the wonderful Victorian High Country).
North to South finally completed!
Next: BRB once again via Bourke, Tibooburra, Innamincka etc this time. Following that; contemplating ‘18 Trayon Muster...
And David. Around 14,500klm (sorry I’ve taken so long to reply)

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 Carolann and Chris #796
Absolutely fantastic. great to hear you are planning already. Build in a few days on Cooper creek out of Innamincka. Just beautiful. Also from Cameron Corner to Innamincka last year we followed our nose up the Queensland side of the border through cattle station country. I'll dig out the route if you are interested. You'll have to update your map with the orange highlighter with that last milestone down south. haha safe travels

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