#779 Short trips around north Queensland
The following are a selection of photos from short trips close to home during the previous eighteen months.
A slide show with additional pictures is available by clicking on the below links:
2015 Short trips close to home around north Queensland https://youtu.be/Ir4FkxIr0WM 2min 25sec
2016 Short trips around north Queensland https://youtu.be/1Lpyxiu-eh8 3min 52sec

Ollera Beach

Crystal Creek


Rockingham Bay

Kirrama Range


Blencoe Creek



Herbert River Gorge



Burdekin River





Clarke Range



Edgecombe Bay

Elliott River



Crystal Creek Beach


Clemant Beach




Archer Point


Looks like some really nice places with nobody Elise around. Couple of really easy questions if I can please

1.  Where does the Weber  travell?

2.  Are the tie down points (anti flapper) on the fly Trayon issue or something else?

Cheers SandG
You have me reaching for the maps.  Thanks for sharing - some great looking spots.
Hi SandG,

Thought I'd provide my input on your first queston. We carry a Webber Baby Q and we store it in the Weber Baby Q Carry Bag. When we travel it sits on the seat on the right hand side. The table and the back cushion keep it firmly in place and it is just the right height for the Trayon to still close easily. Another Trayon owner gave us that idea as we too had no idea where to put it and didn't want it bouncing around on the floor. Whenever we set up camp it comes off the seat and gets moved outside. Easy solution.
Thank you That will work cheers
Yes they are some really nice places sometimes with no one else around, except during school holidays and weekends - but still not crowded, although in some of the pictures there were others either side but far enough away.
All over Australia there are great places to camp, you just need a good map and a sense of adventure to explore and find these hidden places.
The Weber travels in its own baby Q duffle bag usually on the floor between the seats. It does not move around whilst travelling except a little on rough tracks and steep descents. It also sometimes travels on the seat where it is a nice tight fit (as previously mentioned by other owners) if I know I'll be on rougher tracks or steep terrain.
I added the two additional tie down points onto either side of the fly. They are some straps looped over to tie some rope onto with a hook on the end (similar to the rope already on it) attached to the fly with a piece of fabric for reinforcing to spread any load across a larger area of the fly. Other owners have done similar to this and posted pictures in owner modifications.

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